Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Party Weekend

In the last week it has become noticably cooler, it has been cloudy and it has been raining, and apparently it will only get worse. All that is green is slowly turning red and yellow, and will soon fall to the ground. This kind of weather seems to be enjoyed by the people here in Vancouver - it gives them an excuse to stay at the pub longer!
Anyways, it appears the season of outdoor parties is over, and what better way to celebrate the incoming shitty weather than throw a party! Winter weather does mean snow, and thats something definitely worth celebrating :)

Last Friday, we had around 40 people (of which i knew about 10) at our place, and we did our best to bring in the rain with style.
Good times.
Then saturday night, me and a few other Aussie exchange students, and a few random internationals headed out to another house party, of a friend of a friend. Anyways when we got there around 10.30 the cops were already there and weren't letting anyone in. They really crack down on parties here, its very lame compared to home. So we just found the nearest pub and made the most of the night!
It was quite a big weekend - i did manage to get my homework done on sunday too!


Pizza Cutter said...

Found this through the magic "next blog" button. If you're not opposed, I'll link to you as part of a feature I do on mine called the Random "Next Blog" of the day. Good luck on your journey.

Simo said...

Sure thing, go ahead.