Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Its been a while...

Sorry for the lack of postings lately, ie the last 4 months! I've been incredibly busy spending all my spare time either studying or skiing.
Now that my association with UBC is over, and i've moved off campus i finally have time to do these tasks again.
To sum up my life over the last 4 months in one word - hectic. Finals were rather intense considering we got no swotvac at all, my first exam was 3 days after the last class. It all worked out ok though, i ended up with an 85% average for this semester, and overall for my year here. I hope Melbourne Uni is suitably impressed!
The last week or so since i've moved off campus into my new place i've just been hanging out in the great city that is Vancouver. Enjoying the sun, which finally has returned to us after all those cold and wet months away, catching up with friends, eating out a bit, going out a lot, longboarding, going to the beach - generally just having a good time.
The next few weeks will probably be more of the same, however later this week a bunch of us are going to go to Victoria on Vancouver island, and early next week possibly a trip to Whistler for what may be my last skiing in Canada......For now!!
In 2 weeks and 2 days, i leave on my travels to Calgary - Banff - Calgary - Montreal - New York City and back home to Van.
The Canadian GP is on in Montreal while i'm there, i hope everyone is jealous, and i'm super excited to get to NYC.
Enough for now, my housemates, the XBOX, and multiplayer Halo2 is calling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep it coming !!